
Thursday, 13 October 2011

Forget his name, forget his walk, forget the way he used to talk. Forget the love that you once knew, remember now, he is not your boyfriend anymore. Forget the fun that you once shared, forget the fact that he once cared. Forget the time you spent together, remember now, he is gone forever. Forget you cried all night long. Forget how close you once were, remember now, he will never come back to you anymore. Forget you memorized his every part, forget how he once held your heart. Forget the things he use to say, remember now, he has gone away. Forget the times you were all alone, remember now, he don't want your love anymore. Forget the times he made you cry. Forget the way he said your name, remember now, things aren't the same. Forget the time he looked into your eyes, forget how you died when he said those good-byes and now it's too late and we can't go back, i'm sorry i can't be PERFECT.

Dear Heart,Please be Strong...will you???


Do I still love you? Of course I do. Do I still need you? Hmm, maybe, i'm not sure. I don't know if I really need anyone so I think i'm going to let you go now & I know it's going to hurt, i'll still cry myself to sleep every night but eventually i won't cry anymore. Maybe i'll even find someone else to love & care about as much as i do for you, although i doubt that :'|
Much Loves, Bye 

Penulis Blog

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iri athirah
Terengganu, Malaysia
juz call me iri or old is 22 n will be young 4ever hahahaa.. Terengganu mari laaa.. Who’s dis gurl ? juz ordinary girl..simple person.. less is more funny if u know me well..keep duing stupid thing..stupid joke juz wana people around me happy..laugh and smile..i want people around me always happy even im not .. You donT hAvE tO loVe mE,yOu doNt HaVe to Miss mE bUt onE thIng i WaNt yOu kNow that i ReaLlY lOve YoU...
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Domo-kun Cute