
Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Untuk Sahabatku Yg Tersayang!!!!!!

....... , . - . - , _ , .......bunga ini
......... ) ` - . . ' `( .......ku persembahkan
........ / . . . .`\ . . \ ........untuk
........ |. . . . . |. . .| ........teman2
......... \ . . . ./ . ./ .........
................`=(\ /.=`.........walau
............. `-;`.-' ............tak'kan
............... `)| ... , ........nyata adanya
................ || ...

Selain family,member aku la yg bnyk bg semangat n dorongan kt aku..pape pon aku syg mbr aku sgt2!!!time aku senang n sush mbr aku sntiasa ade d cc....x jemu bg nasihat kt aku,thanx fwen cz sabar dgn kerenah n perangai aku yg x bape betol nie....syg korang sgt2!!! <3 <3 <3

nie mbr aku yg paling gedix!!gedix jew tp sporting dye sgt2,ptg2 slalu lepak ngan aku,abiskn mse same2...winkk~~~thanx mira!!

haa!!!nie mbr aku yg paling rapat ngan aku...sume pasal aku dye thu,..aku bz body ye pon bz body gk,same naik...ahaks!!! now da jd mama da...cngratulation 2 her...syg kamu ketat2 dear!!!!thanx 4 evrythng!!!

hdup tanpa sahabat rase mcm sunyi sgt....hari2 sahabat la yg bnyk abiskn mase ngan aku,ermm mybe aku da x de sape2 kot 2 sbb aku lebih bnyk abiskn masa dgn diaorg....diaorg lak time aku mntk tolong or ajk g mne2 senang je,x de pon wt sush..2 sbb aku syg sgt2 kt mucuk2 aku nie!!!hehehe....


just being close to you, sharing the air with you.
even if we're just friends, still, it's too hard to resist.
there's always a question in my mind. i want to know your feelings.
i just can't tell you how much i love you.
i know i'm just no one.
i know it can't be possible.
there's no hope for me, no matter what.
since you have nothing to do with me.
no matter how hard i've tried, you wouldn't love me.
and soon, all my hopes will be faded away.
even if i love you this much, it's just meaningless to you.
i'd just been hoping too much that someday you'd love me, too.
despite the fact that it's impossible, and i'm not the one for you, it's still okay.
let me just keep you in my heart till the time ends.
don't know how long will it take for me to erase you from my mind.
don't know when i will be able to love again.

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iri athirah
Terengganu, Malaysia
juz call me iri or old is 22 n will be young 4ever hahahaa.. Terengganu mari laaa.. Who’s dis gurl ? juz ordinary girl..simple person.. less is more funny if u know me well..keep duing stupid thing..stupid joke juz wana people around me happy..laugh and smile..i want people around me always happy even im not .. You donT hAvE tO loVe mE,yOu doNt HaVe to Miss mE bUt onE thIng i WaNt yOu kNow that i ReaLlY lOve YoU...
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